Roadside Assistance is Included in Your Membership!
NPEA National Roadside Assistance Program* is included in your membership. Compared to AAA Classic Package, you’ll be getting more benefits and saving over $60 on roadside assistance. Whether you need a tire change or a jump start, NPEA has those benefits and more at no additional cost to members! Coming soon you can upgrade to a family package and our roadside assistance benefits are available to all your family members.
Even if you work a night shift or have to stay late for a parent-teacher conference, with our 24-7 roadside assistance toll-free number we have your back right when you need us.
A comprehensive 24-hour assistance service for new or used vehicles – available exclusively to our members – at any time and on any road in the United States, Canada, Puerto Rico and Mexico.
- TOWING ASSISTANCE – If towing becomes necessary, your disabled vehicle will be transported to a qualified service facility.
- BATTERY SERVICE – In the event of a battery failure, help is on the way to jump-start your vehicle.
- FLAT TIRE ASSISTANCE – Your flat tire will be removed and replaced with your spare.
- FUEL, OIL, FLUID AND WATER DELIVERY SERVICE – If you are in immediate need, an emergency supply of fuel, oil, fluid and water will be delivered.
- LOCK-OUT ASSISTANCE – If you’ve accidentally locked your keys inside your vehicle, assistance will be provided to gain entry.
- COLLISION ASSISTANCE – If you’re involved in an accident, towing assistance will be provided to the nearest qualified repair facility.
- EXTRICATION ASSISTANCE – If you find yourself stuck in a ditch or otherwise immobilized within fifty feet of a paved road, assistance will be there to get you out.
- DRIVERS VALET – If you need alternative transportation while your vehicle is disabled, information and assistance will be provided as needed to help coordinate your rental.
- $500.00 EMERGENCY TRAVEL EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT – We will provide up to $500.00 in Emergency Travel Expenses if your vehicle is disabled by collision and you are 100 miles or more from home. Reimbursable charges include lodging, meals, and transportation, including airline and car rentals.
- $50.00 AMBULANCE SERVICE REIMBURSEMENT – If you or your spouse are involved in a vehicle accident and need an ambulance, we will reimburse you up to $50.00 to help defray the cost. The accident must be vehicle related but is not restricted to the Member’s vehicle.
- $1,000 CAR THEFT REWARD – A $1,000 reward will be paid for information leading to the arrest and conviction of anyone who steals a covered vehicle.
- $1,000 HIT & RUN REWARD– A $1,000 reward will be paid for information leading to the arrest and conviction of anyone who flees the scene after hitting the Covered Vehicle.
- LEGAL DEFENSE REIMBURSEMENT – Road America will reimburse you for legal fees incurred for an attorney’s appearance in court to defend you or your spouse in cases involving a violation of a motor vehicle law arising out of the ownership or use of an automobile. You may select your own attorney. Certain restrictions apply.
- CUSTOM TRIP ROUTING SERVICE – For business or pleasure, we offer our members custom trip routing maps for the United States and Canada. Detailed information is prepared in easy-to-read, easy-to-follow formats by our experts and mailed to you.
- ROAD AMERICA SAVINGS CONNECTION – Car rental, hotel and travel, entertainment and attraction discounts are easily found on Road America’s SAVINGS CONNECTION website. You can save up to 50% on hotel stays and redeem savings for car rentals, theme parks, prescriptions, restaurants, retail locations and much more.
- CRUISE AMERICA – RECREATIONAL VEHICLE SAVINGS – Local or one-way, Road America features unique vacations and savings with Cruise America, a nationwide RV rental program. Just for belonging, you will receive up to 10% off when renting a motor home or van nationwide.
- EMERGENCY MESSAGE RELAY – If you are in an accident or otherwise stranded, we will relay an emergency message to any three family members, friends or business associates.
Coming soon you can upgrade to a family package for just $60 per year and our roadside assistance benefits are available to all your family members. Compared to AAA plans, you’ll be getting great benefits and saving over $100 on roadside assistance.
* 24-Hour Roadside Assistance services are provided by Brickell Financial Services-Motor Club, Inc. d/b/a Road America Motor Club. For Mississippi and Wisconsin members, services are provided by Brickell Financial Services-Motor Club, Inc. For California members, services are provided by Road America Motor Club, Inc.
**Please refer to your membership materials for more information as well as conditions, restrictions and exclusions.