Arlington Teachers Union Enrollment

Professional Liability Insurance Enrollment
Sponsored by the Arlington Teachers Union
NPEA’s Professional Liability Insurance
Policy provides $1,000,000 of coverage per Insured per occurrence and $3,000,000 per insured aggregate per year for protection against lawsuits. Defense costs are paid in addition to this amount.
Educational employees are more at risk than ever to be accused of doing something harmful during their interactions with students. Our society has become very litigious and you should not have to face this environment alone and risk your entire life savings. That’s why professional liability is a must for all employees in the education field. Liability insurance gives you that peace of mind, knowing that you’ll have someone to represent you and provide for your financial needs should it be necessary.
Professional Liability Insurance protects you, as an educational employee, in the event that a student or parent was to accuse you of such things as discrimination, injuries to students, non compliance with ADA guidelines, and more. NPEA’s policy also provides reimbursement for alleged criminal acts. This includes sexual misconduct coverage and the policy will provide up to $35,000 in reimbursement of attorney fees if not guilty or if the case is dismissed.
Examples of Recent Claims
Coverage A–Liability
An educator was sued for failure to supervise after a student was injured using a table saw in shop class.
A history professor was sued by a student for allegedly making disparaging remarks about Christianity in his class and fostering a hostile environment toward Christians.
A college student sued her professor and the director of her degree program, alleging that they conspired to prevent her from attaining a master’s degree by giving her a lower grade.
A university professor was sued for putting a student on academic probation that resulted in the student’s dismissal.
Coverage B–Reimbursement of Attorney Fees for Criminal Proceedings
An insured was accused of indecent sexual conduct with three students during the school day. A criminal investigation ensued and the member was subsequently exonerated. The carrier reimbursed the member’s attorney for the full $35,000.
An insured was arrested and criminal charges were filed for assault of a student. After the investigation was completed, the insured was found not guilty and the policy paid $21,000 to reimburse attorney fees.
ID Watchdog offers Identity Monitoring, Identity Theft Detection, and Resolution Services to protect you and your family from becoming the next victim. Through this protection program we can preserve the well-being and financial security of our clients in the public sector.By scouring millions of databases and billions of transactions, ID Watchdog can uncover identity fraud at its inception. Whenever ID Watchdog detects changes in personal information, you will receive an instant alert. This allows you instant visibility to any type of changes.
If you do become a victim, a dedicated Certified Identity Theft Risk Management Specialist (CITRM) will work with you on your behalf until your identity is completely restored to its pre-theft level.
At NPEA our mission is to bring financial security to all educational and public employees, by offering exclusive financial benefits and through advocacy and support of organizations that protect public sector pension funds.
At NPEA our vision is to recognize and appreciate all school district, public and non-profit employees by offering them exclusive membership benefits. Our members are not only protected based on financial needs, but we sincerely endeavor to serve every individual’s needs and the needs of their family. We are committed to the continuous pursuit of providing the best and most cost effective solutions and coverage to give lifelong financial well-being to the public sector.
Our company culture depends on trust and we advocate putting your needs, wants and values as our foremost responsibility. We are devoted to engaging in finding the right solution for you and giving you the attention and advice you deserve along the way.
We’re dedicated to maximizing your financial security by providing you the most benefits and discounts available. We strive to accurately inform our clients of all the financial options that are available to them as school district, public and non-profit employees.
We are dedicated to providing the best Quality, Value, and Service to meet our members’ needs. Our members have more than just jobs they serve the community, and due to this we have been able to offer you amazing benefits, at rates not available to the general public.